Community Round-up #4

July 3, 2013 by Vjeux

React reconciliation process appears to be very well suited to implement a text editor with a live preview as people at Khan Academy show us.

Khan Academy #

Ben Kamens explains how Ben Alpert and Joel Burget are promoting React inside of Khan Academy. They now have three projects in the works using React.

Recently two Khan Academy devs dropped into our team chat and said they were gonna use React to write a new feature. They even hinted that we may want to adopt it product-wide.

"The library is only a week old. It's a brand new way of thinking about things. We're the first to use it outside of Facebook. Heck, even the React devs were surprised to hear we're using this in production!!!"

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The best part is the demo of how React reconciliation process makes live editing more user-friendly.

Our renderer, post-React, is on the left. A typical math editor's preview is on the right.

React Snippets #

Over the past several weeks, members of our team, Pete Hunt and Paul O'Shannessy, answered many questions that were asked in the React group. They give a good overview of how to integrate React with other libraries and APIs through the use of Mixins and Lifecycle Methods.

Listening Scroll Event

  • JSFiddle: Basically I've given you two mixins. The first lets you react to global scroll events. The second is, IMO, much more useful: it gives you scroll start and scroll end events, which you can use with setState() to create components that react based on whether the user is scrolling or not.

Fade-in Transition

  • JSFiddle: Creating a new <FadeInWhenAdded> component and using jQuery .fadeIn() function on the DOM node.
  • JSFiddle: Using CSS transition instead.

Socket.IO Integration

  • Gist: The big thing to notice is that my component is pretty dumb (it doesn't have to be but that's how I chose to model it). All it does is render itself based on the props that are passed in. renderOrUpdate is where the "magic" happens.
  • Gist: This example is doing everything -- including the IO -- inside of a single React component.
  • Gist: One pattern that we use at Instagram a lot is to employ separation of concerns and consolidate I/O and state into components higher in the hierarchy to keep the rest of the components mostly stateless and purely display.

Sortable jQuery Plugin Integration

  • JSFiddle: Your React component simply render empty divs, and then in componentDidMount() you call React.renderComponent() on each of those divs to set up a new root React tree. Be sure to explicitly unmountAndReleaseReactRootNode() for each component in componentWillUnmount().

Introduction to React Screencast #

Pete Hunt recorded himself implementing a simple <Blink> tag in React.

Snake in React #

Tom Occhino implemented Snake in 150 lines with React.

Check the source on Github

New in React v0.4: Autobind by Default

July 2, 2013 by Paul O’Shannessy

React v0.4 is very close to completion. As we finish it off, we'd like to share with you some of the major changes we've made since v0.3. This is the first of several posts we'll be making over the next week.

What is React.autoBind? #

If you take a look at most of our current examples, you'll see us using React.autoBind for event handlers. This is used in place of Function.prototype.bind. Remember that in JS, function calls are late-bound. That means that if you simply pass a function around, the this used inside won't necessarily be the this you expect. Function.prototype.bind creates a new, properly bound, function so that when called, this is exactly what you expect it to be.

Before we launched React, we would write this:

  onClick: function(event) {/* do something with this */},
  render: function() {
    return <button onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)} />;

We wrote React.autoBind as a way to cache the function creation and save on memory usage. Since render can get called multiple times, if you used this.onClick.bind(this) you would actually create a new function on each pass. With React v0.3 you were able to write this instead:

  onClick: React.autoBind(function(event) {/* do something with this */}),
  render: function() {
    return <button onClick={this.onClick} />;

What's Changing in v0.4? #

After using React.autoBind for a few weeks, we realized that there were very few times that we didn't want that behavior. So we made it the default! Now all methods defined within React.createClass will already be bound to the correct instance.

Starting with v0.4 you can just write this:

  onClick: function(event) {/* do something with this */},
  render: function() {
    return <button onClick={this.onClick} />;

For v0.4 we will simply be making React.autoBind a no-op — it will just return the function you pass to it. Most likely you won't have to change your code to account for this change, though we encourage you to update. We'll publish a migration guide documenting this and other changes that come along with React v0.4.

Community Round-up #3

June 27, 2013 by Vjeux

The highlight of this week is that an interaction-heavy app has been ported to React. React components are solving issues they had with nested views.

Moving From Backbone To React #

Clay Allsopp successfully ported Propeller, a fairly big, interaction-heavy JavaScript app, to React.

Subviews involve a lot of easy-to-forget boilerplate that Backbone (by design) doesn't automate. Libraries like Backbone.Marionette offer more abstractions to make view nesting easier, but they're all limited by the fact that Backbone delegates how and went view-document attachment occurs to the application code.

React, on the other hand, manages the DOM and only exposes real nodes at select points in its API. The "elements" you code in React are actually objects which wrap DOM nodes, not the actual objects which get inserted into the DOM. Internally, React converts those abstractions into actual DOMElements and fills out the document accordingly. [...]

We moved about 20 different Backbone view classes to React over the past few weeks, including the live-preview pane that you see in our little iOS demo. Most importantly, it's allowed us to put energy into making each component work great on its own, instead of spending extra cycles to ensure they function in unison. For that reason, we think React is a more scalable way to build view-intensive apps than Backbone alone, and it doesn't require you to drop-everything-and-refactor like a move to Ember or Angular would demand.

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Grunt Task for JSX #

Eric Clemmons wrote a task for Grunt that applies the JSX transformation to your Javascript files. It also works with Browserify if you want all your files to be concatenated and minified together.

Grunt task for compiling Facebook React's .jsx templates into .js

  react: {
    app: {
      options: { extension: 'js' },
      files: { 'path/to/output/dir': 'path/to/jsx/templates/dir' }

It also works great with grunt-browserify!

browserify: {
  options: {
    transform: [ require('grunt-react').browserify ]
  app: {
    src: 'path/to/source/main.js',
    dest: 'path/to/target/output.js'

Check out the project ...

Backbone/Handlebars Nested Views #

Joel Burget wrote a blog post talking about the way we would write React-like components in Backbone and Handlebars.

The problem here is that we're trying to maniplate a tree, but there's a textual layer we have to go through. Our views are represented as a tree - the subviews are children of CommentCollectionView - and they end up as part of a tree in the DOM. But there's a Handlebars layer in the middle (which deals in flat strings), so the hierarchy must be destructed and rebuilt when we render.

What does it take to render a collection view? In the Backbone/Handlebars view of the world you have to render the template (with stubs), render each subview which replaces a stub, and keep a reference to each subview (or anything within the view that could change in the future).

So while our view is conceptually hierarchical, due to the fact that it has to go through a flat textual representation, we need to do a lot of extra work to reassemble that structure after rendering.

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JSRomandie Meetup #

Renault John Lecoultre from BugBuster did a React introduction talk at a JS meetup called JS Romandie last week.

CoffeeScript integration #

Vjeux used the fact that JSX is just a syntactic sugar on-top of regular JS to rewrite the React front-page examples in CoffeeScript.

Multiple people asked what's the story about JSX and CoffeeScript. There is no JSX pre-processor for CoffeeScript and I'm not aware of anyone working on it. Fortunately, CoffeeScript is pretty expressive and we can play around the syntax to come up with something that is usable.

{div, h3, textarea} = React.DOM
(div {className: 'MarkdownEditor'}, [
  (h3 {}, 'Input'),
  (textarea {onKeyUp: @handleKeyUp, ref: 'textarea'},

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Tutorial in Plain Javascript #

We've seen a lot of people comparing React with various frameworks. Ricardo Tomasi decided to re-implement the tutorial without any framework, just plain Javascript.

Facebook & Instagram launched the React framework and an accompanying tutorial. Developer Vlad Yazhbin decided to rewrite that using AngularJS. The end result is pretty neat, but if you're like me you will not actually appreciate the HTML speaking for itself and doing all the hard work. So let's see what that looks like in plain javascript.

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React v0.3.3

June 21, 2013 by Paul O’Shannessy

We have a ton of great stuff coming in v0.4, but in the meantime we're releasing v0.3.3. This release addresses some small issues people were having and simplifies our tools to make them easier to use.

react-tools #

  • Upgrade Commoner so require statements are no longer relativized when passing through the transformer. This was a feature needed when building React, but doesn't translate well for other consumers of bin/jsx.
  • Upgraded our dependencies on Commoner and Recast so they use a different directory for their cache.
  • Freeze our esprima dependency.

React #

  • Allow reusing the same DOM node to render different components. e.g. React.renderComponent(<div/>, domNode); React.renderComponent(<span/>, domNode); will work now.

JSXTransformer #

  • Improved the in-browser transformer so that transformed scripts will execute in the expected scope. The allows components to be defined and used from separate files.

Community Round-up #2

June 19, 2013 by Vjeux

Since the launch we have received a lot of feedback and are actively working on React 0.4. In the meantime, here are the highlights of this week.

Some quick thoughts on React #

Andrew Greig made a blog post that gives a high level description of what React is.

I have been using Facebooks recently released Javascript framework called React.js for the last few days and have managed to obtain a rather high level understanding of how it works and formed a good perspective on how it fits in to the entire javascript framework ecosystem.

Basically, React is not an MVC framework. It is not a replacement for Backbone or Knockout or Angular, instead it is designed to work with existing frameworks and help extend their functionality.

It is designed for building big UIs. The type where you have lots of reusable components that are handling events and presenting and changing some backend data. In a traditional MVC app, React fulfils the role of the View. So you would still need to handle the Model and Controller on your own.

I found the best way to utilise React was to pair it with Backbone, with React replacing the Backbone View, or to write your own Model/Data object and have React communicate with that.

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React and Socket.IO Chat Application #

Danial Khosravi made a real-time chat application that interacts with the back-end using Socket.IO.

A week ago I was playing with AngularJS and this little chat application which uses and nodejs for realtime communication. Yesterday I saw a post about ReactJS in EchoJS and started playing with this UI library. After playing a bit with React, I decided to write and chat application using React and I used Bran Ford's Backend for server side of this little app.

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React and Other Frameworks #

Pete Hunt wrote an answer on Quora comparing React and Angular directives. At the end, he explains how you can make an Angular directive that is in fact being rendered with React.

To set the record straight: React components are far more powerful than Angular templates; they should be compared with Angular's directives instead. So I took the first Google hit for "AngularJS directive tutorial" (AngularJS Directives Tutorial - Fundoo Solutions), rewrote it in React and compared them. [...]

We've designed React from the beginning to work well with other libraries. Angular is no exception. Let's take the original Angular example and use React to implement the fundoo-rating directive.

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In the same vein, Markov Twain re-implemented the examples on the front-page with Ember and Vlad Yazhbin re-implemented the tutorial with Angular.

Web Components: React & x-tags #

Mozilla and Google are actively working on Web Components. Vjeux wrote a proof of concept that shows how to implement them using React.

Using x-tags from Mozilla, we can write custom tags within the DOM. This is a great opportunity to be able to write reusable components without being tied to a particular library. I wrote x-react to have them being rendered in React.

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React TodoMVC Example # is a website that collects various implementations of the same basic Todo app. Pete Hunt wrote an idiomatic React version.

Developers these days are spoiled with choice when it comes to selecting an MV* framework for structuring and organizing their JavaScript web apps.

To help solve this problem, we created TodoMVC - a project which offers the same Todo application implemented using MV* concepts in most of the popular JavaScript MV* frameworks of today.

Read the source code...

JSX is not HTML #

Many of you pointed out differences between JSX and HTML. In order to clear up some confusion, we have added some documentation that covers the four main differences: